Tuesday, October 15, 2019

International Human Rights and Islamic Law Essay

International Human Rights and Islamic Law - Essay Example Almost all the nations that are either Islamic in nature, or have a strong Islamic presence within their population, have at some point of time entered reservations. Amongst these, some states have entered their reservations by citing the Sharia law, while other states have based these reservations by categorising the Sharia as ‘domestic family law’. Such high number of reservations portrays the existence of a contention that relates directly to the women’s laws pertaining to human rights, while also indirectly relating to the theory and practice of the international human rights law. This conflict thus showcases a direct confrontation between the idea of universalism of human rights; and the so called ‘cultural relativism.’ Even a casual glance at the reservations will show us that some of them that cite the Islamic Sharia laws, are completely at oddity with the very nature and objective of the Convention, and often undermines the primary goal that a ims to the remove all kinds gender bias and bring in equal status for all human beings, irrespective of whether he is a male or a female. In my article I will examine the tension that arises from the certain state parties’ reservations to CEDA

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